Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Is Windows 8 Really a ‘Catastrophe’ for Content Creators? | Techland |

Is Windows 8 Really a ‘Catastrophe’ for Content Creators? | Techland |
  • Metro-enabled apps will only be allowed over Windows 8?s guardrails by going through the Windows Store itself. And like Apple, Microsoft intends to take a 30% cut of any sales made through the store.
  • However, you only have to enter Windows 8 through Windows Store?s gates if you're designing a Metro-interface application. If your app isn't Metro-enabled, you can bypass those gates entirely.
  • But yes, there's reason for anyone to be concerned when a company takes an open system and replaces it with one that, in addition to requiring content creators pay at the toll booth, includes strictures that prohibit content that doesn?t meet, say, a company?s definition of what is and isn't morally acceptable. Is it a violation of free speech when a private company chooses to censor an app containing nudity or overt political themes, as Apple has itself done in the past? Maybe not. But what happens if the market shifts so that the only way to access such apps is through a private distribution system with those restrictions?

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